Ballet Fusion 20 at 12 Series

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20 at 12
Your 20 min focus class for the Core, Butt & Arms


20 Min Ballet Core

This is a class everyone can benefit from.

Join our Ballet Core class for 20mins of core strength building and stretching to flatten your stomach, shape your waist and strengthen you back.

Improving your core isn’t just about looking better. A stronger core means better posture, reduced back pain, improved balance and increased range of motion.

Monday 12pm (UK time)

20 Min Ballet Butt

So many ballet exercises are great for the butt and this class really focusses in on making sure we’re working the full set of gluteal muscles to strengthen and shape our beautiful derrieres.

Starting at the barre, we work through a series of repeater, calisthenic and deep muscle exercises. We then move on to the mat for more targeted shaping exercises and stretches to release and cool down.

Whilst we all want a better shape, working the glutes is also great for strengthening hip, pelvis and back support - vital as we age and especially if we spend long periods of time sitting down.

Tuesday 12pm (UK time)

20 Min Ballet Arms

With so much focus on the core and legs in ballet fitness, it’s easy to forget about our arms. This class is a 20 minute focus purely on shaping, strengthening and toning the arms.

Using classical ballet positions, we work through repeater and deep muscle exercises to really tone and shape our arms - giving them the love they deserve.

This class uses optional light weights so you can bring small dumbbells or wrist weights - or something of a similar weight - like two cans of beans, soup tins or mini sand bags. If you prefer not to use any weights, you will still feel the benefits of this class.

Available in the video library

ballet fitness classes online

ABC (Arms, Butt, Core)

Our pick of the best exercises from our Arms, Butt and Core classes - combined to bring you a 20 or 30 minute blast for the arms, butt and core.

All the exercises work deep into the muscles for toning and strengthening. A fab full body workout.

No weights needed - just your mat and energy :)

Wed 12pm (UK time)

You will need (for online classes):

  1. A chair or something you can use as a barre (tabletop, counter top etc). For Ballet Butt classes only. Not applicable for Core or Arms.

  2. Enough space to lift your leg in front, to the side and behind you. (Move those vases!)

  3. A yoga mat / towel / comfy flooring for mat work and stretching.

  4. A computer or phone you can link to the class through set up in a place you can see clearly.

The tech bit:

We use Zoom for our live classes. When you book your class, you will receive a booking confirmation with the Zoom live-stream link as well as class time and date.

We’ll also email you a reminder of the live-stream link 1 hr before class.


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