Can Adults do Ballet?

Can adults start ballet if they have never done it before?

Lots of people dream of being a ballet dancer or having a dancers body but if you don’t take up ballet as a child, can you ever learn ballet as an adult or is it too late?

The good news is, taking up ballet as an adult is easy! There are plenty of adult ballet classes around the UK as well as ballet classes online. Many ballet schools and fitness clubs offer adult ballet classes in the evenings and some gyms will even have their own adult ballet classes on offer.

How to take up adult ballet

First things first, you’ll want to find an adult ballet class which is easy to get to and will fit conveniently into your schedule. There’s no point in finding a great class which is miles away or on at an awkward time because you might not be able to make it work on a regular basis.

The easiest place to start is Google. Look for adult ballet classes in your area or type ‘adult ballet classes near me’ into the search box.

You can also check out your local papers and magazines for event listings and adverts. If you’re a member of a gym, ask whether they have any adult ballet classes on their timetable. Finally, ask around. Someone you know is bound to know someone who goes to or knows of an adult ballet class in your area - so put the feelers out and see what comes back.

Which adult ballet class to choose

If you are lucky enough to have multiple adult ballet classes to choose from, there are a few things to look out for when making a decision.

Venue: You might not think that venue would be a particularly important factor but it can really make or break a class. Consider temperature, facilities, safety and location. Some classes are held in village halls and can be cold in the winter months. As well as being a bit chilly, this can be bad for your muscles. We need our muscles to be warm and not cool down too quickly when we stop to rest or break from class. Look for classes in dedicated studios where possible. If not, make sure the venue has air conditioning to heat and cool the room appropriately.

Facilities: Consider studio facilities and external facilities too. Ideally, the studio will have a sprung floor. This is especially important for adult ballet classes as a sprung floor will help to prevent joint injuries and minimise pressure on your hips, knees and ankles. All ballet classes should have a barre: either fixed to the wall or a freestanding barre. Some adult ballet classes use chairs instead of a barre but these can often be too low and may result in back twinges or awkward twists which could result in injury.

Are there changing and toilet facilities close by? The great thing about dedicated dance studios and gyms is that they will have decent areas for changing and toilets close by. 

Parking: If you are driving to your class, you’ll want to be able to park close by for safety - and for those evenings when it’s lashing rain!

Are there mirrored walls? This isn’t a deal breaker but mirrors are great for two reasons; 1. you will be able to see yourself, your posture and correct yourself easily, 2. Mirrors make it easier to follow others and your teacher if you are unsure of the exercises or steps.

For maximum comfort and safety, Look for a class held in a professional studio with a sprung floor and a barre. Ideally the studio will have mirrored walls too.

Adult ballet studios

Trying adult ballet classes

So, you’ve done your research and found a class in your area you’d like to try. What next? Many schools and studios offer taster classes or one-off classes outside of a termly block booking so that you can try the class to see whether you like it.

Get in touch with the school or studio to ask about a taster class. Most will be delighted to welcome you along.

Some adult ballet classes will be different levels. For example, you might find that you need to choose between beginner, intermediate or advanced level classes. If you’ve never done ballet before, start with a beginners class. If you have danced recently or were of a relatively high level as a child, you will be fine in the intermediate class. Advanced classes are usually for those who dance on a regular basis or were semi-professional when younger. 

You’ll also need to make sure you feel comfortable with the teacher, how the class is run and the environment. 


How the class is run

Your instructor or teacher should always ask whether you have any injuries prior to class but if they don’t it’s best to let them know straight away, just in case. All adult ballet teachers should have your safety in mind so if you don’t think this is the case, follow your instinct and find a new one.

Each ballet teacher is different and will have their own teaching style, so whether you like your teacher and his/her style is personal preference. Ballet terminology is French and some teachers will only use French terms to instruct. Other teachers will mix and match to make the class more understandable and occasionally (but very rarely), teachers will abandon the French altogether for English alternatives. 

Do I need to know French to do adult ballet?

No. You may not know what some of the words mean but that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to follow the class or enjoy the exercises. Within a matter of weeks you will have mastered the main terms for feet and arms. If in doubt, ask your teacher to explain. Read our blog post on the basic ballet positions.

What to wear

As an adult, you’re not expected to wear the pink tights and leotard combo that is so stereotypical of ballerinas in training - unless you want to of course! Wear stretchy, comfortable clothing. Tight fitting clothing like gym or yoga leggings is perfect as your teacher will be able to see whether your legs are straight at the right times and that your posture is correct.

If you are looking for the perfect leggings and dance tops for ballet class, we have you covered with our Ballet Fusion dancewear collection.

What can I expect from my first adult ballet class?

Most adult ballet classes will follow a similar format. You will start at the barre, working on warmup exercises and barre exercises. You may then move into the centre of the room for more exercises (these are often harder as you’ll need more balance away from the barre). Class should close with some stretching and a traditional class may close with a reverence (curtsy) to close.

If you attend an adult ballet class at a dance school that mainly teaches children, you will probably find that the classes are run in a similar way to the children’s classes. This means that you may do some exercises in pairs or on your own (especially exercises from the corner like leaps and turns). You may also learn a dance over a number of weeks - and even be asked to perform as part of the school show!

Classes in gyms or dedicated adult ballet programmes will focus more on fitness and are less likely to work on jumping, turns or solo exercises into their classes. These classes won’t always learn dances or participate in any shows. So it’s really up to you which type of class you think you’d prefer.

What to expect from adult ballet lessons

How long will it take to get the hang of adult ballet?

You definitely need to give adult ballet at least a few weeks or a run of classes. Some people might fall in love with ballet on day one but if you are used to other types of classes or the gym to get your exercise fix, you might find ballet a bit weird at first. Lots of the terminology is unfamiliar, the posture focus and positioning of feet, arms and legs can feel a bit out of your comfort zone for a while. One thing we can guarantee though, is that ballet is really good for you. Ballet builds strength, improves posture and balance, tones muscle and increases flexibility. You can read more about how good adult ballet is for you here.  

Is Ballet Fusion different?

Ballet fusions is a bit different to many adult ballet classes because adult ballet fitness is all we do. We’ve spent a lot of time creating and perfecting exercises which will benefit you in the best and safest possible ways. 

At Ballet Fusion, our adult ballet classes are attended by women and men of all ages and levels. On a weekly basis, we welcome people who have never done ballet before as well as people who have done ballet for most of their lives. Our classes use ballet exercises which are adapted to be as safe and enjoyable as possible for adults - no positions or moves which put strain on joints and no ‘one by one from the corner please!’ (we had enough of that when we were children :).

Can I do Ballet Fusion classes online?

Yes! We run around 20 online classes a week (depending on the time of year) with a range of different classes to choose from.

Try our signature Adult Ballet Fitness class for traditional ballet with a fitness focus, or a Quickie 30 min online class if you’re short of time.

For more specific fitness focus we have 20 minute lunchtime classes for 20 Min Core, 20 Min Butt and 20 Min Mobility Flow

We also run Strength & Conditioning (resistance band 30 min class), Cardio Flow, ABC (Arms, Butt & Core) and Stretch & Flex to help you improve your flexibility and muscle shape.

If you can’t make the classes on our timetable, we also have a ballet fitness video library where you can choose to rent or buy from 100s of our class videos. So it doesn’t matter where you are based, you can join Ballet Fusion any time!

Find out more about our adult ballet fitness classes


10 Reasons Why Ballet is Good For Athletes & Sports Training


20 Reasons Why Adult Ballet is a Great Workout